Sunday, 17 April 2016

News Flash

We have council approval! 

Three years in the making and we’re THERE! 
I’m so excited and relieved to announce that this is HAPPENING! 

The 'Turning of the First Sod' will be in a few short weeks! 

Thanks SO much to all who have helped us reach this stage, and to all who have helped us start to realise this dream! 

For more updates as they happen, follow along at:
Thanks again, 
With Faith, Hope and Love,

Jem- on behalf of the family. xo

Friday, 8 April 2016

Turning The First Sod!

It’s hard to believe. It was three long years in the making, but we are on the cusp of STARTING to build the Miracle House. 

A few days ago we were able to submit the final applications to council. Approval should only be 2 short weeks away. We are very grateful to Dick and his team from Envirotecture for their generosity and skill. We are very grateful to the many supporters who have given so much to this venture. And we are very grateful to God for helping us each step of the way. It’s been an amazing journey. But it's not over yet ... 

Before we get building, we are planning on having a ‘Silver Shovel’ eventto turn the first sod! The idea is to have a simple get-together out at the block. We’ll invite key people involved so far, and commit the house and the building process to God. For more details on this event as it develops, keep in touch via our Facebook page

From there on in, this year is looking exciting; May should see the earthworks in full swing, and June, a concrete slab. All going well, July and August should see the framing up. We hope and pray that December will see an almost-finished house sitting out there at 3 Vista Lane ...

Another exciting event is taking place in August; The 'Read Triplets Trust' committee, based in Canowindra, will be putting a team together again for this years City2Surf! They are looking for entrants who would like to participate. Last year they raised over $44,000 simply by each entrant fundraising $500 each. Contact myself or Anne Ward on Facebook if you would like to join the team! 
Currently the grand total raised towards the kids accessible house is at about $289,000! It would incredible to make it to $300K! Thank you so much to all our beautiful donors. Past, present and future.

If you would like to help 'raise a roof' for Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon. feel free to donate directly to 'Read Triplets Special Needs', NAB Canowindra, BSB- 082 500Acc- 396 905 753 
(Some people have even gone so far as to set up a small regular donation each month!)
After the house is built this account will continue to help fund
 the triplets ongoing special needs as they grow, (equipment etc).

For weekly updates, pics and videos, 'like' our Facebook page-

With many thanks, 
on behalf of the family, 

Jem. xo