Friday, 19 June 2015

It Really Will Be 'The House That Love Built'

Canowindra to City2Surf, and a Goal in Sight!

So much to tell you, I don't know where to begin! But I have to say straight up: It really will be 'the house that love built'. It has been one incredible, ongoing 'love story'.

The love of friends, family, and complete strangers. The word is spreading, and people from local communities all across NSW, and beyond, are getting behind our family, and our need to build an accessible house for our wheelchair-bound 8 year old triplets. So much love. God knew we couldn't do it on our own.

Since the last update, things have been progressing steadily. Thanks to the generosity of design company 'Envirotecture', our house design is being finalised, and they are completing all the necessary paperwork required for building approval. It's been a long process.
Once the paperwork is approved we'll be looking to start earthworks, hopefully before the winter is out, and then pour the slab. Come summer, we hope the house will be starting to rise from the ground. I have a feeling we have quite a journey ahead of us though!

For a closer look at the plans, head to our Facebook page 'Realising For The Read Triplets'- or just ask!

While we've been waiting, we made the most of a lovely Autumn and planted a variety of over 200 trees along some of the boundaries of our block. We are also so grateful for the help of landscape designer Sally Bourne, who has offered to assist us in creating a beautiful and accessible outdoor environment for our triplets, once the house is built!
Family tree planting day! The kids loved helping.

Ben and Gideon 

It has been so encouraging for our whole family to constantly see donations coming in. We often tell the kids the details and they are amazed. Yesterday the house fund was at $137,500. Then we were stunned by an anonymous donor giving a whopping $50k. The total suddenly is now at $187,500, (not including donations-in-kind), and we are a mere $13k from our initial target of $200k! Hooray! Thank you! 

It's been just amazing. One continuous story of love and hope.. But the story is far from being over. 
We are so grateful to almost be at our initial goal of $200k, a figure we decided on in the beginning as a minimum 'starting amount'. Actually the total cost of building this accessible home for Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon could be triple this amount. 
At this stage we really don't know how it will pan out. Speaking openly, we have some equity to borrow against if we have to, but the maximum we can reasonably borrow is just less than $200k, and having a substantial loan on a minimal income is not a great idea. Even then, we would still be about another $200k short, give or take. 
It really is a 'faith journey', not knowing exactly how things will pan out, but we have a strong hope it will turn out. We believe it's what we need to do for Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon, in helping them grow into confident and independent individuals. 

Picnic lunch on block in early June.

Very recently, an exciting development has occurred which could significantly help us on that journey. A number of dedicated Canowindra residents have formed a fundraising group, committed to assisting Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon, and helping to realise the goal of their accessible 'miracle house'! 
They are entering a group of walkers/runners in the upcoming City2Surf, on Sunday the 9th of August, and are aiming to have 100 entrants in their team, who each fundraise a certain amount to take part. So far they have about 50 interested people, and are looking for any 'expressions of interest' from anyone wishing to join team 'Raisingaroof4readtriplets'. It sounds like a fun day out!
If you would like to be involved please register your interest by contacting Anne Ward via email:, or messaging her on Facebook.

Big or little, we deeply appreciate all of the many and various help given by everyone. It has meant solid steps toward the reality of a very large dream for Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon. So thank you.

Follow our ongoing story, as it unfolds week to week, by 'liking' our Facebook page: 'Realising For The Read Triplets'.
For enquiries, or donations-in-kind contact Jemimah at:

Online donations can be made by clicking the 'Donate' button at the top right of this page, or the direct details are:
Bank: Canowindra NAB
Name: B & J Read Triplets Special Needs
BSB: 082-500
Acc: 39-690-5753