Friday, 7 February 2014

A Place To Call Home

On a recent visit out to the farm where Ben works, it was apparent again, how physical SPACE is so important to our family's well being. The kids had a blast, racing across the paddocks unhindered! (No curbs or steps in sight!)

Large open spaces like these evoke an encouraging sense of freedom and 'welcome home' for us.. Hard to describe, but I love it!

So, the planning and dreaming for an accessible house continues!...

Anwen, Mahalah and Gideon have just started Year 2 at Canowindra public school and have settled into the year well. I wonder what this year will hold?!..

They are growing up fast. I'm sure they have grown over the summer holidays. The other morning I came in to Gideon's room to help him start his day, and in my minds eye I saw him as a lanky teenager. I had to smile. 7 is such a precious age, pity kids grow up so quickly.

Anwen plays in the river

Mahalah, so happy to be down by the water.

Gideon drives a tractor with Dad!

We have been looking at potential land and thinking through house materials and designs..

Ben has been busy researching all the various options. There is much to decide on, and we are taking things one step at a time. We have been very grateful for the help of some talented friends and benefactors. 

As I've mentioned before, we've set up a special account for this project, and it's gradually accumulating.
Thanks so much to those who have helped so generously already! It all helps! Please feel free to pass on our blog/ details to your friends. We greatly appreciate any assistance in helping to raise this accessible 'Miracle House'.


Our adventure continues..!

We'll keep you posted.

With gratitude!

Jem. xox

(for those interested here are the account details)

Acc name: Read Triplets Special Needs
Acc BSB:  082 500   (NAB Canowindra)
Acc number: 3969 05753